
Lipogems® injection into knee
Lipogems® allows Dennis to avoid a knee replacement and he is now pain-free despite knee osteoarthritis.

My left knee problem began 5 years ago when the joint began to intermittently ‘snag’ whilst walking when some element within the joint would be ‘nipped’ causing joint pain which made me limp for a brief period.

This became more frequent and knee pain more persistent. In February 2017 whilst skiing in The Alps, I fell in deep snow and had great difficulty getting up. The strain on my knee left made me incapacitated and I could not put weight on my knee for days.

A visit to my GP and X-rays showed the early stages of osteoarthritis. Walking any distance was proving painful, my knee would swell up with any exertion and skiing was out of the question.

At this point I read about Lipogems® in the Mail on Sunday, researched the procedure online, discussed the options with my GP, decided against knee replacement surgery and contacted The Regenerative Clinic.

My expectations were cautious, hoping for a miracle cure from stem-cell regeneration but I expected a modest improvement to my condition.

It has been two years since my procedure and my pain has largely gone, providing I avoid twisting my knee, which results in pain. I walk down-hill with little or no pain, I sleep without pain, I can walk for 30 minutes without discomfort and my knee no longer swells up from exertion. I believe the treatment may still be in the ‘regenerative’ stage, albeit very gradual, which seems to be defying the ageing process of deterioration associated with osteoarthritis.

I should add that I visit the gym three times weekly to keep my leg muscles in trim and have physio every three months which I find very beneficial.

My expectations have been met and I am happy with my decision to have had Lipogems® treatment and I have avoided knee replacement surgery. I would have the procedure to my right knee if it became necessary.

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