Get 20% Off All Knee and Hip Consultations When You Book Before May 20th!
Have you been told your only option for knee or hip pain is steroid injections or joint replacement surgery? Minimally invasive regenerative alternatives offer pain relief and can help you get your lifestyle back! Book before the 20th of May and get 20% off you consultation!
The Regenerative Clinic recently published a new clinical paper on the use of regenerative medicine to treat certain hip conditions which you can read here. Joint pain in the knee and hip areas are very common and can be difficult to live with on a daily basis but it can be treated with regenerative treatments such as MFAT and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment.
The most common problem tends to be osteoarthritis, which is degenerative and due to wear and tear. Osteoarthritis happens when inflammation and injury to a joint cause the cartilage tissue to break down. This causes swelling, pain and deformity. There are many other structures around these joints which can cause pain. Bursitis can be very painful and occurs when the lubricating sacs near tendons become inflamed and fill with fluid.
Tendons (which attach muscle to bone) often become painful near the hip. The tendon can degenerate and lose its normal strong structured fibres and become thick and partially torn. This is called tendinitis.
If one of these joint problem is not corrected, long term pain management is required. Invasive surgery or replacement surgery and are often recommended to patients to help stop the pain but these can be traumatic and is followed by months or recovery. With our minimally invasive procedures, you can massively delay and even avoid the need for these types of surgery.
Enquire today to get 20% off your consultation and find out how we can help you get back to being you again!
Our renowned medical team provides a range of treatments, from the traditional to the innovative:
Micro-fragmented Fat Injections (MFAT)
This day case treatment is exclusively offered to our patients. It uses pioneering technology using your body’s own adipose (fat) cells to treat pain and inflammation with MFAT Injections. These Injections are minimally invasive and are carried out under ultrasound guidance. Altogether the procedure takes about an hour to perform with a minimal recovery time. As well as being a potential alternative to surgery, MFAT Injections can also aid post-surgery recovery.
Read Angela’s story who had this treatment in her knees. She is now pain free and her life has changed completely.