TREATMENTS > Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment ​

Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is an effective and non-invasive treatment for healing joint injuries. PRP therapy helps to reduce pain and inflammation, improves joint function and is a safe alternative to surgery. 

PRP takes advantage of your blood’s natural healing properties to regenerate damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscle and bone. It can reduce pain, improve joint function and help you return quickly to normal activities.

PRP injections effectively target various body areas including all large joints, the spine, neck, feet, hands and soft tissue.

PRP can help:

Conditions and injuries PRP can help:

PRP can help:

Harnessing your body's healing potential

Platelets, tiny cells in your blood, are pivotal in your body’s healing process, stimulating cell reproduction, clotting blood, and facilitating various growth and healing functions. Platelet-rich plasma, is a solution abundant in these anti-inflammatory cells, harnessing their healing potential.

During the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) procedure, blood is drawn from you, similar to a standard blood test. This blood sample undergoes centrifugation to separate out the platelets from other cells in your blood. The prepared PRP is then injected precisely into the targeted area under ultrasound guidance. Typically, a course of three injections is administered, spaced a week apart, depending on the specific condition being treated. The entire procedure typically lasts about an hour, and recovery time is minimal. Since the platelet-rich plasma is derived from your own blood, the treatment carries a low risk. You can read PRP clinical evidence here.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) finds applications across various medical domains. Primarily, it is used in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, including sports-related injuries such as ligament and tendon damage, whether chronic or acute, as well as osteoarthritis.

Additionally, PRP is often applied post-surgery recovery processes. Beyond its medical applications, PRP is also utilized in cosmetic treatments, particularly in addressing issues such as hair loss.

The clinical evidence supporting the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for orthopaedics in the UK is substantial and continuously expanding. Numerous studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in treating orthopaedic conditions such as osteoarthritis, tendon injuries, and ligament injuries, with improvements in pain and function observed in many patients. PRP has also shown promise in aiding tissue healing and accelerating recovery post-surgery. While further research is needed to optimize PRP protocols and patient selection criteria, the existing evidence suggests it is a valuable treatment option. For more research on PRP’s clinical evidence, you can visit our clinical evidence page at


Tom Court's journey using PRP

Tom Court opted for PRP Therapy to expedite the recovery process of his right knee. Reflecting on his experience, Tom states, “My knee is feeling phenomenal. Training post-PRP has been remarkably smooth, and the persistent pain is rapidly diminishing.”

The Process

We have endeavoured to make the process as straight forward and efficient as possible. 


single part

MRI & diagnosis


Pain-relieving injections (1)

PRP injections


review follow up

Follow up

Take action today

With its ability to harness the body’s own healing mechanisms through concentrated growth factors, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) offers a compelling alternative to traditional surgical interventions for musculoskeletal injuries. By opting for PRP therapy, individuals can potentially delay or even avoid the need for invasive procedures, thereby minimising downtime and promoting a quicker return to normal activities. Don’t endure discomfort unnecessarily; instead, consider booking an appointment for PRP injections. With a series of injections tailored to your needs, PRP therapy can facilitate a smoother path to recovery, allowing you to regain control of your life and resume the activities you love without hesitation.


Frequently asked PRP questions

Following PRP therapy patients usually experience reduced pain and increased function within four to six weeks but this depends on the treatment area and the extent of the injury.
PRP allows your body to naturally heal. It is beneficial to people who have not responded to other treatments to reduce pain and increase mobility. It provides another option to more invasive treatments such as knee surgery. As healing takes place faster, you can get back to normal activities quicker.
PRP is a safe treatment option and there is no risk of an allergic reaction since it uses your own blood. However because a needle is being place in your body, there is a risk of infection, bleeding and nerve damage but this is very rare.

The first step is to contact our enquiry team by calling us or completing a contact form on our website. Once you have had your consultation, our specialist will recommend treatment which may include PRP.

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Even that probably does not make sense to most patients, so just to explain it is we take the patient’s own blood and then he put it through a process which is called centrifuge. When we spin the blood around it nicely separates the blood into different components, so you have the red cells, the white cells and the platelets and plasma which has different grades to it.

I am an upper limb surgeon I mainly operate on shoulders and elbows. I also tend to use PRP injections it in shoulders and the elbows. In the elbow the biggest place to use it is in the outside of the elbow for tennis elbow also known as lateral epicondylitis or natural epicondylitis tendinopathy, but layman’s term is tennis elbow. It is one of the commonest uses of PRP because we know that literature has showed the steroids that are currently used are not as effective. In fact, there is evidence out there that suggests steroids in most cases only have a short-term effect. Beyond that the problem comes back and occasionally comes back worse.

We are designed in such a way that when we injure ourselves, we heal. So, something quite simple like for example tennis elbow in fact at a microscopic level is an injury to your tendons on the outside of the elbow. Now we know that given enough time and good physiotherapy on top can solve most of the problems. However, there are people that still, despite time and good therapy, do not heal. So, what PRP does and what we call a group of substances called biologics does is enhance the healing and makes it faster.

The way PRP injections work is that we take your own blood, concentrate the growth factors and other substances within those cells that promote healing. We then inject it in an area which are low in growth factors and needs more to allow it to use those growth factors and then helps it heal.

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